Seascape Analytics is a marine science consultancy providing reliable information to support effective decision making in marine and coastal management. Project results, data products and decision support tools have informed marine spatial planning, marine protected area management and risk assessments in the US, UK and Caribbean. Seascape Analytics has provided scientific support for the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, U.S. Department of Interior's National Park Service and several state-wide marine spatial planning initiatives. More recently we have supported conservation organisations, policy groups and local communities in their activities to protect and restore ecosystems.
We synthesized diverse biological and human use spatial data to support development of an integrated management plan for Puerto Rico’s Northeast Marine Corridor. Areas for management concern were mapped and ranked using cumulative mapping and Marxan software for spatial prioritization.
Marine Protected Areas of the US Virgin Islands: Ecological Performance Report
We used a decade of underwater monitoring data to evaluate the effectiveness of no-take and partial-take Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) located in the US Virgin Islands in the context of differing levels of enforcement and compliance.
Land-Sea Characterization of the St. Croix East End Marine Park, U.S. Virgin Islands
We collected data on the park’s marine species, different habitats, and land-based development threats to those natural resources to better understand the park’s ecosystem and how it should be managed to meet current and future protection goals.
Northeast Marine Corridor Digital Atlas
This Digital Atlas for Puerto Rico’s Northeast Marine Corridor allows you to visualize data on the region’s oceanography, seafloor habitats including coral reefs, endangered and threatened species, protected areas, coastal land use and ocean uses.

Site selection framework for Nature-based Solutions with Emirates Nature-WWF
We developed and applied an objective-based multi-criteria spatial framework to characterise and prioritise sites for nature-based solutions capable of delivering a triple-win outcome (climate regulation, biodiversity positive and co-benefits for people.
Outlining a methodological pathway to improve the global seagrass map
This review and data synthesis commissioned by the Pew Charitable Trusts documents the global state-of-the-science in seagrass mapping through a comprehensive review of expert knowledge and recent literature to identify geographical data gaps, barriers to progress, associated mapping costs and explore potential methodological solutions to accelerate a pathway to improve the global seagrass map.

U.S. Virgin Islands Coral Reef Prioritization Tool
We used existing and newly collected data, including local expert knowledge, to develop a map-based decision support tool to identify and prioritize the most important coral reefs for conservation consideration in the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as to determine the distribution of threats and stressors to coral reefs.
Site selection framework for Nature-based Solutions with Emirates Nature-WWF
We developed and applied an objective-based multi-criteria spatial framework to characterise and prioritise sites for nature-based solutions capable of delivering a triple-win outcome (climate regulation, biodiversity positive and co-benefits for people.