The Virtual Lab of Seascape Ecology provides opportunities for graduate research students to collaborate with Dr Simon Pittman on research with a seascape ecology theme. Although affiliated with several universities, the Seascape Ecology Lab currently does not have a physical lab so our collaboration is typically conducted remotely. Here you can see some of the graduate students that I have enjoyed mentoring and advising in recent years.
Collaborations with Graduate Research Students
Marianna Coppola (Ph.D. Institute of Environment 2023-2026)
Florida International University, USA
Thesis: Fish in seagrass habitats: Seascape connectivity across protected ecosystems
Maryam Hatami (Ph.D. Faculty of Natural Resources 2024-2027)
University of Tehran, Iran
Thesis: Developing a marine spatial planning approach incorporating seascape ecology: Application to the northern Persian Gulf
Ole Johannes Sørensen (Ph.D. School of Marine Sciences 2023-2026)
University of Haifa, Israel
Thesis: Effects of habitat traits and connectivity on fish assemblages in a rocky reef seascape
Courtney Stuart (Ph.D. Seascape Ecology Lab, School of Geography & the Environment 2022-2025)
University of Oxford, UK
Thesis: Seascape connectivity and land-sea nutrient flows
Holly Kembrey (M.Sc. Biodiversity, Conservation & Management 2022)
University of Oxford, UK
Thesis: Seascape-fish relationships and patterns of resilience in a marine protected area in the Arabian Gulf
Jonathan Rutter (M.Sc. Biodiversity, Conservation & Management 2022)
University of Oxford, UK
Thesis: Using fine-scale spatiotemporal overlap between albatrosses and fishing vessels to estimate exposure to bycatch risk in the high seas
Pirta Palola (D.Phil. Seascape Ecology Lab, School of Geography & the Environment 2022-2025)
University of Oxford, UK
Thesis: Towards integrated land-sea management: mapping and modelling ecological connectivity in tropical coastal environments
Courtney Stuart (MSc Biological Sciences 2020-2022)
University of Alberta, Canada
Thesis: How seascape connectivity can bolster restoration and conservation efforts in coupled coral reef-seagrass-mangrove ecosystems in the Florida Keys
Inaiara Sousa Siqueira da Silva (Ph.D. Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation 2020-2023)
State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil
Thesis: Fish movements and trophic linkages across coral reef ecosystems of Abrolhos Marine National Park
Michael Espriella (Ph.D. Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences 2020-2023)
University of Florida, USA
Thesis: Seascape ecology of oyster reefs and the implications for restoration design
Jonathan Rodemann (Ph.D. Earth & Environment 2020-2023)
Florida International University, USA
Thesis: Movement and trophic ecology of recreational sportfish in response to human impacts to seagrass spatial configuration
Denise Swanborn (D.Phil. Zoology 2019-2022)
University of Oxford, UK
Thesis: Mapping mesophotic coral reef distributions at oceanic islands in the Western Indian Ocean
Arianna Liconti (M.Res. Marine Biology 2018-2019)
University of Plymouth & Marine Biological Association, UK
Thesis: A multi-source approach to identify conservation priorities for gorgonian forests in Italian coastal waters
Martha Patricia Rincón Díaz (Ph.D. 2013-2018)
Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries & Wildlife, USA
Thesis: Understanding variation of functional diversity in fish assemblages as a metric to evaluate the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the U.S. Caribbean
Nicole Wadsworth (M.Res. Marine Biology 2017-2018)
University of Plymouth, UK
Thesis: Nursery biotope utilization: An investigative evaluation of biotope function at Egg Island, Bahamas
Mareike Donají Duffing Romero (M.Sc. Marine & Environmental Science 2016-2018)
University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Thesis: Spatial-temporal movement patterns of Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and Lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris) in the US Virgin Islands
Linn Sekund (International M.Sc. Marine Biodiversity & Conservation 2014-2015)
University of Ghent, Belgium
Thesis: Explaining island-wide patterns of Caribbean fish diversity: A multi-scale seascape approach
Rolando Omar Santos Corujo (Ph.D. 2011-2015)
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, USA
Thesis: Spatial dynamics of vegetated seascapes and the influence on fish and crustaceans
Lia Ortiz (M.Sc. Marine & Environmental Science 2010-2012)
University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Thesis: The social structure of the USVI fishing community: A basis for reducing fishery ecosystem and resource vulnerabilities, while improving chances for sustainability
Gabby Renchen (nee Folger) (M.Sc. Marine & Environmental Science 2010-2012)
University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Thesis: Assessing the impact of derelict fish traps in the US Virgin Islands
Steven Hitt (M.Sc. Marine & Environmental Science 2008-2010)
University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Thesis: Quantifying the migration behavior and space use patterns of Haemulon sciurus and Lutjanus apodus across US Virgin Island seascapes
Bryan Legare (M.Sc. Marine & Environmental Science 2009-2011)
University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Thesis: Juvenile Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) and Lemon Shark (Negaprion brevirostris) Movements within two nursery areas of St. John, United States Virgin Islands (USVI)
Jamie Kilgo (Master of Marine Affairs 2010-2012)
University of Washington, USA
Thesis: Spatial patterns and habitat associations of targeted reef fish in and around a marine protected area in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Christina Colletti (M.Sc. Marine & Environmental Science 2008-2011)
University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Thesis: The effect of seascape structure on the spatial distribution of juvenile fish
within Benner Bay Mangrove Lagoon, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands (USVI)